Merupakan ilmu yang memiliki tujuan khusus untuk memahami proses penyelesaian masalah penyeimbangan beban pada stasiun-stasiun kerja di bagian lini perakitan. Assembly Line Balancing menjadi penting dalam suatu produksi karena bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan kecepatan di setiap stasiun kerja sehingga dapat tercapai efisiensi kerja yang tinggi.

Timeline Tutorial
Tutorial Registration
10 Maret 2024
General Briefing
16 Maret 2024
Week 2: Ranked Positional Weight
Week 1: Kilbridge - Wester Heuristic
25 - 28 Maret 2024
22-25 April 2024
Tutorial Registration
Practicum re-registration is a link given to students to re-register themselves in the practicum they have previously chosen.
If there is any discrepancy, please contact asisstant M-111
Class Registration
Assembly Line Balancing
Monday, 07.30-09.10
Monday, 10.20-12.00
Tuesday, 10.20-12.00
Monday, 13.00-14.40
Wednesday, 07.30-09.10
Tuesday, 07.30-09.10
Wednesday, 15.30-17.10
Thursday, 07.30-09.10
Thursday, 13.00-14.40
Terms and condition:
You must choose an empty class and adjust your schedule accordingly
Tutorial registration is only done by group representatives
Tutorial class registration is carried out before group registration
If you don't registration, you are not considered to follow the tutorial
Tuesday, 15.30-17.10
Thursday, 15.30-17.10
Sanction imposed when an individual fails to comply with terms and rules
Guidebook ALB
A Comprehensive Manual for Efficient and Safe Organization and Execution of Practical Activities.
Modul Tutorial
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Modul 1: Introduction
Modul 2: Kilbridge - Wester Heuristic
Modul 3: Ranked Positional Weight
Video Tutorial
An Audiovisual Learning Material for Students
1st Video
Introduction & Assembly
2nd Video
Week 1: Kilbridge - Wester Heuristic
3rd Video
Week 2: Ranked Positional Weight
1st Video
Introduction & Assembly (IP)
2nd Video
Week 1: Kilbridge - Wester Heuristic (IP)
3rd Video
Week 2: Ranked Positional Weight (IP)
Presence Transparency

Transparency of presence for practical results involves open and honest disclosure of attendance during practicum
Student Report
Post-Tutorial Assignments
Grade Transparency

Transparency of grades for practical results involves open and honest disclosure of performance assessments in practical activities